Template tags ============== Use the included djfrontend template tags to suit your needs. djfrontend ----------- :: {% load djfrontend %} djfrontend_h5bp_html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Not a direct part of django-frontend-static.** Returns HTML tag according to chosen language - 'en' is the default. :: djfrontend_h5bp_css ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns HTML5 Boilerplate CSS file according to version number. The latest '4.2.0' is included. :: djfrontend_normalize ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns Normalize CSS file according to version number. The latest '1.1.1' is included. :: djfrontend_modernizr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns Modernizr JavaScript file according to version number. TEMPLATE_DEBUG returns full file, otherwise returns minified file from cdnjs with local callback. The latest '2.6.2' is included. :: Or :: ' % v, djfrontend_jquery ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns jQuery JavaScript file according to version number. TEMPLATE_DEBUG returns full file, otherwise returns minified file from Google CDN with local fallback. The latest '1.10.2' and '2.0.3' is included. :: Or :: djfrontend_jqueryui ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns jQuery UI plugin JavaScript file according to version number. TEMPLATE_DEBUG returns full file, otherwise returns minified file from Google CDN with local fallback. The latest '1.10.3' is included. :: Or :: ' % v, djfrontend_jquery_datatables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns the jQuery DataTables plugin JavaScript file according to version number. TEMPLATE_DEBUG returns full file, otherwise returns minified file from cdnjs with local fallback. :: Or :: djfrontend_jquery_datatables_css ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns the jQuery DataTables CSS file according to version number. The latest '1.9.4' is included. :: djfrontend_jquery_formset ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns the jQuery Dynamic Formset plugin JavaScript file according to version number. TEMPLATE_DEBUG returns full file, otherwise returns minified file. The latest '1.2' is included. :: Or :: djfrontend_jquery_scrollto ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns the jQuery ScrollTo plugin JavaScript file according to version number. TEMPLATE_DEBUG returns full file, otherwise returns minified file. :: Or :: djfrontend_jquery_smoothscroll ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns the jQuery Smooth Scroll plugin JavaScript file according to version number. TEMPLATE_DEBUG returns full file, otherwise returns minified file. The latest '1.4.11' is included. :: Or :: djfrontend_twbs_css ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns Twitter Bootstrap CSS file according to version number. TEMPLATE_DEBUG returns full file, otherwise returns minified file. The latest '3.0.0' is included. :: Or :: djfrontend_twbs_theme_css ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns Twitter Bootstrap Theme CSS file according to version number. :: Or :: djfrontend_twbs_js ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns Twitter Bootstrap (3.0.0) JavaScript file(s). all returns concatenated file; full file for TEMPLATE_DEBUG, minified otherwise. Other choices include: * affix * alert * button * carousel * collapse * dropdown * modal * popover (adds tooltip if not included) * scrollspy * tab * tooltip * transition Individual files are not minified. {% boostrap_js all %} would render :: Or :: {% bootstrap_js alert affix %} would render :: Shout out to Ryan Brady and his `Django Bootstrapped `_ for inspiration and initial code. djfrontend_ga ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns Google Analytics asynchronous snippet if TEMPLATE_DEBUG is not set. Use DJFRONTEND_GA_SETDOMAINNAME to set domain for multiple, or cross-domain tracking. Set DJFRONTEND_GA_SETALLOWLINKER to use _setAllowLinker method on target site for cross-domain tracking. :: ' Or :: Or :: djfrontend_ios_fix ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns the iOS-Orientationchange-Fix. ::